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Healthy Living Photo

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Breakfast !

Many people like to skip the most important meal of the day, which is breakfast! Because most people get up so early in the mornings, they miss out on getting a good breakfast. Most times it is because they feel like they don't have enough time to prepare it.

Here is a list of some fast on-the-go breakfast ideas for any day of the week!

1. Oatmeal
2. Eggs (made any way you like)
3. Protein Shake
4. Fruit
5. A Healthy Cereal (like Special K)

These are all fast meal ideas you can make the day of or prepare the night before. Make sure you do not skip breakfast because when you do, your body hates it!

Protein Shakes

Many people wonder if protein shakes are really healthy and if you should include them in your everyday regime. Personally, I think protein shakes are great to add to your diet. I drink one protein shake daily. Also, I include a green powdered mix to the protein shake as well to implement "greens" into my body.


The protein shake I like to use is GNC Lean Shake 25. It has 25 grams of protein and many vitamins and nutrients as well in the shake. You only need two scoops of the shake and you mix it with 8 ounces of water.

The green drink I love is called Green Vibrance. It improves energy and endurance, strengthens your immune system, improves digestion and circulation in the body as well. It contains 58 organic green foods and extracts.  All you need is one scoop of this powder and you can mix it with water.

With both of these mixtures together, it's the perfect drink to make your day worthwhile!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Healthy Meal of the Week

Everyone loves a good salad. But, sometimes people do not understand that the topping you put on your salad is what determines if it is really "healthy."

This salad consist of a mixture of vegetables, fruit and protein!

To make this salad, I added a handful of spinach to a bowl. Next, I added some turkey breast, apples, and mushrooms to the salad. Finally I sprinkled a little Mrs. Dash seasoning in the bowl, and everything was complete!

This is one of my favorite salads and I hope you add this or something similar to your diet!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ways to Increase Your Endurance

There are many things you can do to increase your endurance while participating in sports or everyday exercise. Below I have listed a few of my favorite things I try to do as much as possible.

  1. Gradually adapt to your workout and environment. You do not have to rush things.
  2. Always stretch. 
  3. Do not over train, but push yourself as much as possible.
  4. Increase your rest times if needed.
  5. Mix up your workout routine and create a plan to stick with. 
  6. Mix cardio with strength training weekly. 
  7. Increase the intensity of your workout as your heart rate increases.
  8. Drink plenty of water.
  9. Limit your sugar, salt, and red meat intake.
  10. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean-meats.


New Food and Its Benefits

(pronounced Keenwah)

Most people have never heard of quinoa so I would like to introduce it to you. As an athlete, I'm sure you will love the benefits of this "super-food."

  • Quinoa is a healthy seed that is prepared like whole-grains such as brown rice and oatmeal.
  • One of the highest protein-rich foods ever.  
  • Contains all nine essential amino acids we need for our bodies.
  • Gluten-free
  • High in manganese which helps prevent damage during energy production.
  • Contains Lysine which is essential for tissue growth and repair.
  • Cholesterol-free 
  • High level of fiber
Because quinoa contains many health benefits, it is essential for athletes. It is a power food for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack. Quinoa can be prepared multiple ways. You can also mix it with other foods for a delicious meal

This meal is very quick and fast to make. It consist of quinoa, chicken, carrots, squash, broccoli, and corn on the cob.

I hope you go out and purchase some Quinoa and explore different creations with this super-food!!

Bon appétit !

Proper Nutrition to Fuel Your Training